Do you like handling money? Know how to read a balance sheet? Understand
the difference between surplus and profit?
Then Strathcorbie needs you! Our Reeve is soon to step down and
requires a successor to take on the oversight of our group finances.
Key requirements:
* You will need to be a current SCA member, 18 years or older
* Reliable and responsive access to email and internet
* Ability to keep on top of a variety of related administrative tasks
* Some prior relevant experience
Key responsibilities:
* Managing the finances and regular reporting on such
* Managing Strathcorbie accounts, including being involved in
checking event/purchase budgets and approval of expenditure
* Maintaining electronic records; familiarity with Xero and Excel is
valuable (support and training are available!)
* Developing and maintaining appropriate financial procedures,
and keeping up to date with relevant financial policies
* Assisting event stewards with the event budgeting and post-event
reporting process
You'll find more detailed information about this role in the Officer Job
Descriptions document at:
Please send your applications by 16 July 2023 to exchequer(a),
with a courtesy copy to strathcorbie(a)
Please include your membership number, mundane and SCA names, any relevant
financial experience, and your general experience in the SCA - as well as
outlining why you think you'd be suitable to the role.
If you have any questions regarding the role, its responsibilities
and requirements - or indeed anything else - please don't hesitate to
contact me at strathcorbie(a)
Yours in Service,
James Douglas / Paul Willis
New Officer Progress:
Applications Opened <<< we are here (closes 16 July 2023)
Consideration Period
Shortlist for Commentary
Consultation Period
Notice to Candidates & Scheduling
Confirmation & Handover schedule