Hi All, Exciting times happening in Strathcorbie that I want to share with you all before I take a little leave and visit my ancestral lands. We are recommencing gatherings! Yes, the thing that most people love about the SCA is the opportunity to get together, share food and good times. We are starting again on 08/07 at the Botanic Gardens in Wagga Wagga. This may include a small heavy and rapier tournament, and a bring and share feast at the Mary Kitson Hall in the gardens. Hall will be open from 2pm, and feast from 630pm. As we are starting back after a bit of a break, an attempt at pre 16 Century clothing would be nice, but not essential, as we may have some new people coming along. If you want ideas on what food to bring, please let me know, and IO can provide ideas. If people want to bring along any recent Arts and Science projects they have been working on , please do. Cost will be $5 for members and $15 for non members. Membership can be obtained here: https://sca.org.au/membership/ We are also hosting a tournament for Baron Ysambart of Politochopolis on 19/08 at Collins Park, Wagga. What this is is a Heavy Tournament for the fighters of Politochopolis (Canberra) to travel and fight our local fighters. You will see good fighters, nice armour, a Baron and Baroness in their finery, and have a good time in the park. More information will be shared soon. Cheers! James Douglas, Seneschal.