As the calendar year comes to a close, we extend to our populace, our love and gratitude.

We thank those of our populace who have served our Barony to ensure the prosperity the lands entrusted to us by the Crown of Lochac.

We offer grateful thanks to our selfless officers but also we thank all of our members whose participation enriches the experience for all of us.

We look back upon a year where we have become more firmly ensconced at Dolphin's Keep, where trainings have continued to equip our combatants with the skills required to defend our borders. We thank those who teach and those who hold the keys, both for archery and full contact combat.

Many a meal has been prepared, and shared. We have greatly enjoyed these shared times with our populace: breaking bread together and warm camaraderie.

We thank those who have stewarded events, and those who have visited to share their skills and knowledge with us.

We thank our Cousins and neighbours who have offered us, and our Barony, unwavering support.

We give love and appreciation to our wonderful collegians of St Monica. Your enthusiasm and energy brings vitality to those of us who are sometimes weighed down by our years. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

And so, we look forward. As the old year closes, new experiences, challenges and opportunities arise before us. We bring with us some of our old traditions - Summer Twilight Series, Chess Challenge, Ironbeard Challenge and of course, Rowany Festival this Easter - but with the old we will welcome the new.

We look forward to new Collegians as the academic year opens. We look forward to new ideas for events and activities. We look forward to learning new skills and knowledge. A

Above all, we look forward to spending the new year with you, our populace.

Wishing all happiness, health and prosperity for the year to come.

Margie & Jon

Baroness & Baron of Krae Glas.