Krae Glas seeks a new Herald! Whether it's the pageantry or pain-staking heraldic processes that appeals, now's the time to fly the flag.
Key requirements:
You may not think that you are the right person for this job, but if your friends forward you a copy of this notice, pay attention to them! And if you know someone who you think would be good in the job, do them (and all of us) a favour - ask them to apply.
Key elements of the job:
You'll find more detailed information about this role in the Officer Job Descriptions Document at https://seneschal.lochac.sca.org/resources#officer
Please send your applications by 31 December 2024 to crux@lochac.sca.org, with a courtesy copy to seneschal@kraeglas.lochac.sca.org.
If you would like to know more about the job, or to discuss how you see yourself taking it forward, I would love to hear from you!
Yours in Service,
Ysabel Norrice
New Officer Progress:
Applications Opened <<< we are here (closes 31 December 2024)
Consideration Period
Shortlist for Commentary
Consultation Period
Notice to Candidates & Scheduling
Confirmation & Handover schedule