23 Mar
23 Mar
9:59 p.m.
I am all home & unpacking everything but before I can wrap up the last of the event I have to thank many people. Amelia, for the Constable job Hanbal for the heavy Maeve and Akiva for Lists Margie & Wolfram for the Marshalling, and all their helpers Ute and Cormac for the field heraldry Congratulations to Brennan (heavy tourney), Heyotek (rapier tourney) and Dafydd for the Chess Challenge. Your opponents made you all work for the prize & it had some very interesting moments! There were 13 fighters in the heavy field, and four for the rapier. All my thanks go to those who attended, and all those that bring all to make the event the success that it is. Yours, Miriam bat Shimeon Event steward