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From: Lochac Events via Lochac Announce <lochac-announce@lochac.sca.org>
Date: Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 2:35 PM
Subject: [announce] Stormhold, 5-7 September: Crown Tournament Spring AS60, Along the coffee trail
To: <announce@lochac.sca.org>

Crown Tournament Spring AS60, Along the coffee trail


Stormhold, 5-7 September

Crown Tournament

The Barony of Stormhold is hosting Spring Crown Tournament AS60 at Clifford Park Activity Centre Wonga Park Victoria 5-7 September 2025.

Greetings fair populace of the Kingdom of Lochac. We would be honoured to invite you to witness those who wish to partake in the Spring Crown Tournament to choose the future Heirs of Lochac.

The weekend's theme is 'Along the Coffee Trail' and as such the menu will include delicacies from the regions that the bittersweet liquid spread.

Coffee is thought to have spread from Ethiopia to Egypt and Yemen where it was first roasted, and then by the 16th century it spread throughout the Middle East, Türkiye, Persia, and into northern Africa. Later coffee spread from the Muslim regions to Italy and Hungary in the 17th Century. The first coffee house was in Constantinople.

There will be a market bazaar set for those who wish to sell goods during the weekend and a young merchant will be selling Turkish coffee over both days.

The event has dorm and camping options, with catered and offboard pricing.


Clifford Park Activity Centre, 5-7 Clifford Drive Wonga Park Victoria


Tentative Timetable

Friday Site Open at 1pm for set up
• 4pm Site open
• 6pm Soup BBQ Dinner
• Fire Circle
• 7.30am Breakfast
• 9am: Event Open
• 9.30 Armour Inspections open
• 10am: Entrants meet with Crown.
• 10am: A&S, and WCOB Competition Set Up
• 10.30 Armour inspections close
• 11am: Invocation court followed by Crown Tourney
• 12.30pm lunch to be served during the Tourney
• At completion of Tourney: Announcement of the Heirs
• 3.30pm Afternoon Tea
• 4pm: Pel meeting with Crown.
• 4pm Archery on the range /forest
• 5pm: Chiv Meeting with Crown
• 6pm: Feast begins
• 7pm Court
• 7.30am Breakfast
• 8.00am Market setup
• 9am: Markets Open
• 9.00am: Archery on the range / forest
• 9:00am: Laurel Meeting with Crown
• 9.30am: Armour Inspections open
• 10:30am: Roses Tournament (Heavy and Rapier) Two list fields
• 12:30pm: Lunch
• 1.00pm: MoD Meeting with Crown
• 2.00pm Council of the Purse and Regalia Meeting with Crown
• 3.00pm: Closing Court
• Pack down after court
• 5.30pm: Site closed (can be stretched to 6pm if required)


Whole Event Cabin WEC (2 nights) $130 * limited to 68
Whole Event Camping WECAMP (2 nights) $100
Saturday and Sunday (1 night Cabin) $115
Saturday and Sunday (1 night Camping)$85
Saturday only including lunch and Feast $50
Saturday or Sunday including lunch only $25
Tournament only $10
Event Saturday including Lunch and feast, and Sunday lunch (no accommodation) $75

Non Member with added insurance cost

Minor WEC $100 Student $105
Minor WECAMP$75 Student $85
Minor Sat& Sun cabin 1 night $85 Student $90
Minor Event Sat & Sun (no accommodation) $55

Child under 5 free
Family rate by negotiation
Cost to be increased on 1 July 2025 an extra $10 (except Tournament only at Member $10)


Steward: Nicolette de Coulours
Bookings: Dame Miriam Gailbraith
through website
Bookings Close: 22 August

Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.
As this event is in the state of Victoria, please remember that anyone carrying or using any kind of sword in the state - including visitors - must carry proof that they completed the Victorian weapons exemption application process with the SCA Ltd Registrar - see https://sca.org.au/victorian-weapons-legislation/ for detailed information.

This announcement has been sent on behalf of the event steward by the Lochac Seneschals' Database as part of the event approval process.

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