---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Andrew Ross-Gowan via Lochac Announce <lochac-announce@lochac.sca.org>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 at 1:03 pm
Subject: [announce] Rowany Festival update
To: <Lochac-Announce@lochac.sca.org>

Greetings Lochac,
We are only 8 weeks out from Rowany Festival!
How are your preparations going?
Firstly, a quick reminder that the cutoff for pre-gate pricing is in 3 weeks (16th of March). After this date we do accept bookings up to the 31st of March, but the price will be the same as that paid at the gate. Hire Equipment and Catering will also be closing on the 16th of Match. Booking after the final price rise is still helpful to the event, as the camping area is determined by booking numbers, so if your campsite doesn’t book, you will get a small allotment.
Speaking of camping, can I please have all the camping site’s designated wardens who have not already contacted the stewarding team, please send an email to stewards@festival.lochac.sca.org. For those thinking of taking on the role, the Warden is the campsite’s contact person for the event stewards. They are the person who will receive any site updates and is also responsible for ensuring the campsite is left in a neat and tidy condition after the event.
A draft timetable is now available! https://festival.lochac.sca.org/timetable
This timetable is still in draft form, so there’s going to be modifications to it, however it should allow you to start planning your event out.
Also, we have Steina Silfrsmiðr to thank for the refreshed Festival Website look.
The SCA runs via Volunteers, and Festival is no different. If you are able to help out with the running of Festival for a few hrs, then please let us know. We have set up a ‘sign up’ site for people to put their names down. https://signup.com/go/HbmfMCX
If you are willing to give up some of your time to run a kid’s activity or have ideas, please contact AronBjorn via mmayinan@gmail.com. The more fun we can give the kids, big and small, the better the whole event will be for everyone.
We are also looking into running a Festival daily paper as inspired by the Southron Gaardian (spelling may vary). As such we’re looking for short articles, Jokes, Cartoons, etc that would be suitable. We are looking to have the paper delivered to campsites each morning, containing the various herald notices, Daily timetable highlights and interesting occurrences occurring on site. If you have anything that you feel may be interesting to the populus to read in the morning, please send it along to stewards@festival.lochac.sca.org, We are also interested in hearing from people who would like to help put the paper together during the event.
Rowland and Gilchrist
Festival Stewards

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