20 Apr
20 Apr
8:31 p.m.
... and if you want to check if someone has a Kingdom award, we have a database for that! https://canon.lochac.sca.org/ There's also a bunch of history in there - you can see a list of all the viceroys, vicereines, princes, princesses, kings and queens who have ruled over Lochac, and see what awards they gave out! I just went back to the Crown who gave me my first award, and saw who else was getting what award around that time. A stroll down memory lane! Still, back to the point - you can search someone by their SCA name and see what awards they've got. And by extension, what they haven't! Or as His Excellency says, just make people's good works known and let the regal brains under the pointy hats work it out :-)