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From: Lochac KMoAS via Lochac Announce <lochac-announce@lochac.sca.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 at 6:56 pm
Subject: [announce] Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition- May Coronation
To: <announce@lochac.sca.org>

Greetings all,


May Coronation in Politarchopolis is coming up from the 6th-7th of May. Here is a link to the Arts and Sciences Competitions being run at the event. 




This will be the first round of Kingdom Competitions for the A.S. 58 Championship (2023-24) 


To those intending to enter the Kingdom Arts & Science competition, the categories are “ For rich and poor”, “Plants” and “The Low Countries”.


If you are interested in entering, and you will not be attending the event, please speak to your local A&S officer as soon as possible so that they can organise a judging session- even if your entry isn't quite finished yet! Entries to them will be due by the 29th of April.


If you are not familiar with how Kingdom competitions work, visit the Kingdom A&S website at https://artsandsciences.lochac.sca.org/competitions/.


Yours in Service,

Baroness Ginevra Lucia Di Namoraza

Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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