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From: Lochac Events via Lochac Announce
Date: Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 8:14 PM
Subject: [announce] Krae Glas, 29 March: Chess Challenge
Chess Challenge Krae Glas, 29 March Tournament
Come and test yourself in one of Lochac’s most unique tournaments.
The Barony of Krae Glas in conjunction with The Barony of Stormhold will be
hosting the Annual Bi-Baronial Chess Challenge at the Dolphin’s Keep.
Enjoy your BYO picnic and participate/support the fighters in the armoured
and rapier tournament, enjoy games, practice your skills of Chess on a
Giant Chessboard and cheer on the Baronial representatives in the Annual
Barony vs Barony Chess match.
The Armoured tourney rules
Round 1 - Pawns: Everyone to fight with sharpened sticks (i.e. thrusting
Round 2 - Knights: Counted Blows e.g.- each fighter gets to throw five good
blows with arms & legs not lost.
Round 3 - Bishops: Maces and shields.
Round 4 - Rooks: Sword and large shield (defence)
Round 5 - Queens: Queens is the best protected and each combatant fights
with two guardsmen drawn at random, (from the fighter pool) fighting to the
end with the death of the "Queen".
Round 6- Kings: All fighters take to the field to defend the last two
combatants or "Kings".
To be repeated until there is a winner.
It is encouraged by all fighters that have Gauntlets that they bring them.
The Rapier Tournament will be decided on the day.
Location The Dolphin’s Keep. (Scout Hall, 24 Mons Parade, Noble Park, Vic,
Timetable Set up 10am
Event start 11am
Price Adult $10 (Non-member add an additional $10 insurance)
Adult Concession $5 ((Non-member add an additional $10 insurance)
Child (under 16) $0 (Non-member add an additional $5 insurance)
Steward: Lady Erynn inghean Airdin and Dandelion of Stormhold
Bookings: Lady Mærwynn of Legeceasterscire bookings@kraeglas.lochac.sca.org
Bookings Close: 26 March
Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or
flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.
As this event is in the state of Victoria, please remember that anyone
carrying or using any kind of sword in the state - including visitors -
*must* carry proof that they completed the Victorian weapons exemption
application process with the SCA Ltd Registrar - see
for detailed information.
This announcement has been sent on behalf of the event steward by the Lochac
Seneschals' Database https://seneschaldb.lochac.sca.org/ as part of the
event approval process.
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