Lovely event yesterday with laughter and frivolity, food and hospitality. We enjoyed a wonderful day, stewarded by Julia of the Ravens and Rob de Mar - our newest recipients of the Apollo Delphinius for Service. We welcomed two newcomers to our hearth, who had heard about us at the Camelot Castle demo the weekend before. And with the weather so changeable, our hearth was a popular place - Baron Jon might not have had perfect control of the weather but to compensate he build a lovely fire to warm his people. There were games of chance and creative activities related to the themes of the day. The rapier tournament was won by Airdin, and the heavy by Hanbal - the final was an 'axe' throwing competition with the Baron. There was was a surfeit of food, and even a chocolate fountain to celebrate Valentine's Day. I heartily hope we will see a repeat of this event come next February. In Service Baroness Margie.