---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Simon Miller via Lochac Announce
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 at 8:56 am
Subject: [announce] Rowany Festival Constabulary Volunteering
To: lochac-announce@lochac.sca.org
Good morning Lochac
As you are no doubt well aware Rowany Festival is but a pair of weeks away!
I am this years event Constable and I am reaching out in the search for
volunteers to join me in ensuring the safety of the years busiest event.
Volunteering as a Constable is far from onerous. You get a chance to travel
the site, meet people from distant lands, spend some time with them and
make new friends. You won't be asked to do anything you aren't comfortable
with, mostly you'll deal with fire safety, the occasional noise complaint
and perhaps the odd child who has slipped the constraints of their parents
or siblings.
My Deputy and I, depending on how we arrange our personal shifts will
always be available to assist should anything pop up that requires more
experience and the entire Festival stewarding team will no doubt also be
there to step up.
While it will be handy to have an idea who may volunteer prior to the
event, all I really ask is that people consider having a go and sign up
once you get to site. Bring friends, encourage your newcomers to try it
out, as I said it is a great way to meet new people and learn where
everything is on site.
Baron Semeon
Festival Constable
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