This email lists events that may be of interest to SCA members. The listing of an event in this email is not to be taken as stating, implying, or suggesting that that event is an SCA event or that it is covered by SCA Australia's insurance policy. For further details and future events, see http://kraeglas.lochac.sca.org/calendars === Barony of Krae Glas === Wednesday 27 April 6:30pm St. Monica A&S and Fighter Training Monash University Clayton Campus, Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia Thursday 28 April 7:00pm Krae Glas Thursday Night Training Scout Hall, 24 Mons Parade, Noble Park VIC 3174, Australia Saturday 30 April College and Canton Seneschal's Reports due Sunday 1 May SCA New Year Everywhere 1:00pm Krae Glas Craft Afternoon === Barony of Stormhold === Monday 25 April 7:00pm Fighter Training and Craft Hall Coulson Reserve Soccer Pavilion, Heidelberg Road and John Street, Clifton Hill Tuesday 26 April 7:30pm Baronial Council meeting **Online** Coulson Reserve Soccer Pavilion, Heidelberg Road and John Street, Clifton Hill Saturday 30 April Reeve report due to Kingdom
participants (1)