Call to Action: Great Northern War 2025 (requesting response by 16 December 2024)

Greetings good gentles If Festival is only two weeks away, then Great Northern War can only be a month away! This year's event theme is community. In that vein we are coming to you - the community of artisans, researchers and joyful practitioners of your arts and sciences. This year we are inviting the esteemed guilds to: * present how your guild works, the benefits of joining and provide avenues to connect into the guild * offer a beginner class by a guild member * offer an advanced class by a guild member We will be polling the populous to see what classes they may wish to have and feeding that back to you so you can seek the right teachers within your membership. What I am seeking from you now is simply a response to this email by 16 December 2024 that your guild has interest in participating (pending further information). Please note 1. for the cooks, brewers, fibre and alchemist guilds there is a separate kitchen on site that can be used for your classes. 2. For the performers and dancers we are seeking to have entertainment for the crown and populous after the fire tourney finishes and on the Saturday night. This is beyond bardic circle and a games area which is being planned. We are seeking plays, songs, sagas, dances or any other performances that might entertain the crown and populous. We will have an entertainment coordinator seeking volunteers. 3. For the cook's guild, if there is interest in presenting subtleties or entremets, please let me know. 4. The themes for the Arts and Sciences Competition are 'Flora and Fauna' and 'Dressed for Battle' Please email me at and copy in YIS The Honarable Lady/Lord Nicola de Coventre Great Northern War 2025 - Arts and Sciences Officer
participants (1)