Even worse, I sent another e-mail from the first e-mail client that
didn't get through at all because the HTML-to-text program barfed on the
non-ASCII characters.
Anyone know any good HTML-to-text converters? Mailman's default is lynx
but we didn't have that installed so I've tried python3-html2markdown
and html2text. Or should we just let HTML through?
Aelfred (no non-ASCII stuff)
------ Original Message ------
From: "Dylan Kerr"
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest,
wrote: .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- selenetest@lochac.sca.org To unsubscribe send an email to selenetest-leave@lochac.sca.org or manage your subscription via the web interface at https://mailman.lochac.sca.org/postorius/lists/selenetest.lochac.sca.org
Even worse= , I sent another e-mail from the first e-mail client that didn't get through at all because the HTML-to-text program barf= ed on the non-ASCII characters. =C2=A0 Anyone kno= w any good HTML-to-text converters? Mailman's default is lynx but we didn't have that installed so I've tried python3-htm= l2markdown and html2text. Or should we just let HTML through? =C2=A0=C2=A0 =C2=A0=C2= =A0=C2=A0 Aelfred (no non-ASCII stuff) \------ Original Message ------ From: "Dylan Kerr" <[sca@dylan= -kerr.net](3D"mailto:sca@dylan-kerr.net")> To: "=C3=86lfred se leof" <[ael= fred@nps.id.au](3D"mailto:aelfred@nps.id.au")>; [selene= test@lochac.sca.org](3D"mailto:selenetest@lochac.sca.org") Sent: 10/03/2022 9:18:57 PM Subject: Re: [Selenetest] HTML from a different e-mail client
The To address looks good, encoding is worse! <= br />
On Th= u, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest, <[selenetest@lochac.sca.org](3D"ma=)> wrote:
.0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo=3D ld =3DC2=3DA0and italic text. =3DC2=3DA0
">Some =C2=A0> ">Dot=3D ">Points =C2=A0:p> =3DC2=3DA0 A non-ASCI=3D I character: =3DC3=3D86 =3DC2=3DA0 =3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D mart=3DE2=3D80=3D9D quotes and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80= =3D99 apostrophe=3DE2=3D80=3D99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- [selenetest@lochac.sca.org](3D"mailto:selenetest@lochac.sca.org") To unsubscribe send an email to [selenetest- leave@lochac.sca.org](3D"mailto:selenetest-leave@lochac.s=) or manage your subscription via the web interface at [https://mailman.lochac.sca.org/postorius/lists/selenetest= .lochac.sca.org](3D"https://mai=)