HTML from a different e-mail client

Some bold and italic text. Some Dot Points A non-ASCII character: Æ “Smart” quotes and greengrocers’ apostrophe’s. .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s.

The To address looks good, encoding is worse! On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest, <> wrote:
.0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 1= 0 Mar 2022, 10:53 =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest, <">
wrote: iv> 0 .8ex;border-left= :1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">.0pt;word-wrap:break- word"> Some bo=3D ld =3DC2=3DA0and italic text. =3DC2=3DA0
">Some =C2=A0> ">Dot=3D ">Points =C2=A0:p> =3DC2=3DA0 A non-ASCI=3D I character: =3DC3=3D86 =3DC2=3DA0 =3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D mart=3DE2=3D80=3D9D quotes and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80= =3D99 apostrophe=3DE2=3D80=3D99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to org" target=3D"_blank" rel=3D"noreferrer"> g or manage your subscription via the web interface at" rel=3D"noref= errer noreferrer" target=3D"_blank"> s/lists/

Even worse, I sent another e-mail from the first e-mail client that
didn't get through at all because the HTML-to-text program barfed on the
non-ASCII characters.
Anyone know any good HTML-to-text converters? Mailman's default is lynx
but we didn't have that installed so I've tried python3-html2markdown
and html2text. Or should we just let HTML through?
Aelfred (no non-ASCII stuff)
------ Original Message ------
From: "Dylan Kerr"
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest,
wrote: .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at
Even worse= , I sent another e-mail from the first e-mail client that didn't get through at all because the HTML-to-text program barf= ed on the non-ASCII characters. =C2=A0 Anyone kno= w any good HTML-to-text converters? Mailman's default is lynx but we didn't have that installed so I've tried python3-htm= l2markdown and html2text. Or should we just let HTML through? =C2=A0=C2=A0 =C2=A0=C2= =A0=C2=A0 Aelfred (no non-ASCII stuff) \------ Original Message ------ From: "Dylan Kerr" <[sca@dylan=](3D"")> To: "=C3=86lfred se leof" <[ael=](3D"")>; [selene=](3D"") Sent: 10/03/2022 9:18:57 PM Subject: Re: [Selenetest] HTML from a different e-mail client
The To address looks good, encoding is worse! <= br />
On Th= u, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest, <[](3D"ma=)> wrote:
.0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo=3D ld =3DC2=3DA0and italic text. =3DC2=3DA0
">Some =C2=A0> ">Dot=3D ">Points =C2=A0:p> =3DC2=3DA0 A non-ASCI=3D I character: =3DC3=3D86 =3DC2=3DA0 =3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D mart=3DE2=3D80=3D9D quotes and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80= =3D99 apostrophe=3DE2=3D80=3D99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- [](3D"") To unsubscribe send an email to [selenetest-](3D"mailto:selenetest-leave@lochac.s=) or manage your subscription via the web interface at [](3D"https://mai=)

Is there a security/performance downside to letting HTML through? Because I don't think there are many non-html email clients left out there now.
I know that spamassassin gives negative points to email which is only html. It thinks that is a Bad Sign, and that good mail should be multipart with plaintext and html versions - but it isn't a fatal problem, just something that contributes towards an overall score.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ælfred se leof via Selenetest
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest,
wrote: .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at

I don’t know of any significant downside unless the spam filter is a problem as Nico says. But since list administrators can choose HTML conversion or not on a list-by-list basis I’d rather it worked than not.
Since the Mailman2 lists are (mostly) HTML-free I think that setting will be brought across to Mailman3 by default – at least that’s what happened for selenetest. But we can ask everyone to switch off conversion as part of the migration if they want.
Just to be sure it’s the list and not the crappy e-mail client I’m using (Windows Mail), can you let me know if the version of this e-mail that comes through the list matches the one that comes to you directly?
From: jeremy--- via Selenetest
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2022 8:43 AM
To: 'Ælfred se leof';
Cc: 'Dylan Kerr'
Subject: [Selenetest] Re: HTML from a different e-mail client
Is there a security/performance downside to letting HTML through? Because I don't think there are many non-html email clients left out there now.
I know that spamassassin gives negative points to email which is only html. It thinks that is a Bad Sign, and that good mail should be multipart with plaintext and html versions - but it isn't a fatal problem, just something that contributes towards an overall score.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ælfred se leof via Selenetest
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest,
wrote: .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at
Selenetest mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
or manage your subscription via the web interface at
I don= =E2=80=99t know of any significant downside unless the spam filter is a
pro= blem as Nico says. But since list administrators can choose HTML
conversion= or not on a list-by-list basis I=E2=80=99d rather it worked than
<= p class=3DMsoNormal>
Since the Mai= lman2 lists are (mostly) HTML-free I think that setting will be
brought acr= oss to Mailman3 by default =E2=80=93 at least that=E2=80=99s what
happened = for selenetest. But we can ask everyone to switch off conversion as
part of= the migration if they want.
<= p class=3DMsoNormal>Just to be sure it=E2=80=99s the list and not the
crapp= y e-mail client I=E2=80=99m using (Windows Mail), can you let me know
if th= e version of this e-mail that comes through the list matches the one
that c= omes to you directly?
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 =C3=86lfred
**From:**[jeremy--- via Selenetest](3D"mailto:se=)
**Sent:** Frida= y, 11 March 2022 8:43 AM
**To:**['=C3=86lfred se leof'](3D""=); [se=](3D"")
**Cc:**['Dylan Kerr'](3D"mailto:sca@dylan-kerr.=)
**Subject:** [Selenetest] Re: HTML from a diffe= rent e-mail client
Is there a security/performance downside to letting HTML th= rough?=C2=A0
Because I don't think there are many non-html email clients le= ft out there
I know that spamassassin gives negative points to email which is o= nly
html.=C2=A0 It thinks that is a Bad Sign, and that good mail should be =
multipart with plaintext and html versions - but it isn't a fatal problem, =
just something that contributes towards an overall score.
\-----Original Mes= sage-----
From: =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest =
The To address looks good, encodi= ng is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest, =
Some bo=3D ld =3DC2=3DA0and italic text.
= =C2=A0 >
=C2=A0 := p>
&g;= t;>A non-ASCI=3D I character: =3DC3=3D86
= ;=3DC2=3DA0
=3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D mart=3DE2= =3D80=3D9D quotes and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80=3D99
= >>apostrophe=3DE2=3D80=3D99s.
_______= ________________________________________
Se= lenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe
send an email to or= manage your
subscription via the web inte= rface at storius/lists/
___________= ____________________________________ Selenetest mai= ling list -- To unsubscri= be send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at https://mailman.locha= =

For me, the two messages are identical, including the dipthong in your name. The only difference is that the copy from the list includes an attachment, ‘00730.omcsettings’. Ditching that would be nice, but I note that I already get lots of emails from mailman which include an attachment that thinks it is a postgreql file.
From: Lochac Masonry Deputy
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest, > wrote:
Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text.
A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86
=E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99
Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe
send an email to or manage your
subscription via the web interface at
Selenetest mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
or manage your subscription via the web interface at
For me, the two messages are = identical, including the dipthong in your
name.=C2=A0 The only = difference is that the copy from the list includes an
attachment, = =E2=80=9800730.omcsettings=E2=80=99.=C2=A0=C2=A0 Ditching that
would be = nice, but I note that I already get lots of emails from mailman
which = include an attachment that thinks it is a postgreql = file.
**From:** Lochac Masonry Deputy =
The To = address looks good, encoding is worse!
On = Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest, =
<[](3D"")&g;= t; wrote:
.0pt;word-wrap:break-word"><= /p>
Some bo=3D ld =3DC2=3DA0and italic = text.
A non-ASCI=3D I character: = =3DC3=3D86
=3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D mart=3DE2=3D80=3D9D quotes = and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80=3D99
Selenetest mailing list -- = [](3D"") = To unsubscribe
send an email = to [selenetest-leave@lochac.s=](3D"mailto:selenetest-") or manage your
subscription via the web interface at =
_______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- [](3D"") To unsubscribe send an email to [selenetest-leave@lochac.s=](3D"") or manage your = subscription via the web interface at [](3D"

I’ve found that e-mail from the list displays correctly in the desktop e-mail clients I’ve tried but not in Roundcube. So Mailman/html2text seems to be generating some encoding understood by the desktop clients but not Roundcube.
Regarding the attachment, I get the list footer as an attachment that my e-mail client calls ‘attachment.txt’. I’ve been looking for a setting that puts the footer at the end of the e-mail body instead but so far haven’t found it.
Sent: Friday, 11 March 2022 10:38 AM
To: 'Lochac Masonry Deputy'; 'Ælfred se leof';
Cc: 'Dylan Kerr'
Subject: RE: [Selenetest] Re: HTML from a different e-mail client
For me, the two messages are identical, including the dipthong in your name. The only difference is that the copy from the list includes an attachment, ‘00730.omcsettings’. Ditching that would be nice, but I note that I already get lots of emails from mailman which include an attachment that thinks it is a postgreql file.
From: Lochac Masonry Deputy
The To address looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 Ælfred se leof via Selenetest,
wrote: .0pt;word-wrap:break-word"> Some bo= ld =C2=A0and italic text. =C2=A0
">Some > ">Dot= ">Points :p> =C2=A0 A non-ASCI= I character: =C3=86 =C2=A0 =E2=80=9CS= mart=E2=80=9D quotes and greengrocers=E2=80=99 apostrophe=E2=80=99s. _______________________________________________ Selenetest mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to or manage your subscription via the web interface at
Selenetest mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
or manage your subscription via the web interface at
I=E2= =80=99ve found that e-mail from the list displays correctly in the
desktop = e-mail clients I=E2=80=99ve tried but not in Roundcube. So
Mailman/html2tex= t seems to be generating some encoding understood by the
desktop clients bu= t not Roundcube.
Regarding the attachment, I get the list footer as an attachment th= at my
e-mail client calls =E2=80=98attachment.txt=E2=80=99. I=E2=80=99ve be= en
looking for a setting that puts the footer at the end of the e-mail body=
instead but so far haven=E2=80=99t found it.
=C2=A0=C2=A0=C2=A0 =C3=86lfred
**From: =**[
**Sent:** Friday, 11 March 2022 10:38 AM
**To:**['Lochac Masonry Deputy'](3D"m=); ['=C3=86lfred se leof'](3D"mailt=);
**Cc:**['Dylan Kerr'](3D"ma=)
**Subject:** RE: [Selenetes= t] Re: HTML from a different e-mail client
For me, the two messages are identical, including the dipthong in y= our name.
The only difference is that the copy from the list includes= an attachment,
=E2=80=9800730.omcsettings=E2=80=99. Ditching t= hat would be nice, but I
note that I already get lots of emails from mailma= n which include an
attachment that thinks it is a postgreql file.
**From:** Lochac Masonry Deputy
The To add= ress looks good, encoding is worse!
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022, 10:53 = =C3=86lfred se leof via Selenetest,
= ;<[ ](3D"")> wrote:
.0pt;word-wrap:b= reak-word">
Some bo=3D l= d =3DC2=3DA0and italic text.
=3D= C2=3DA0
= >> >
">Do= t=3D
A non-= ASCI=3D I character: =3DC3=3D86
= =3DC2=3DA0
=3DE2=3D80=3D9CS=3D m= art=3DE2=3D80=3D9D quotes and greengrocers=3DE2=3D80=3D99
Selenetest mailing list -- [](=3D"") To unsu= bscribe
send an email to g or manage your
subscripti= on via the web interface at
[ .org](3D"
_______________________________= ________________ Selenetest mailing list= \-- [<= /a> To unsubscribe send an email to org or manage your subscription via = the web interface at [ ts/](3D" &n;= bsp; =
participants (4)
Dylan Kerr
Lochac Masonry Deputy
Ælfred se leof