This Monday the 12 of December is the last meeting for this year so time
for a party!
A garbed potluck will be held, to commemorate and celebrate. A Kris
Kringle will be held (max $5 per gift) but is optional.
Everyone is welcome! Bring a plate to share, catch up with everyone and
start plans for the next year. This is a good way to end the year well
and start the shenanigans for next year.
Members – by donation
Non-members – $10 insurance surcharge
We cannot accept cash at this time. All donations taken will be via Square.
No bookings required.
Please do not attend if you are sick or exhibit any symptoms of
COVID-19, have been in contact with a confirmed case, or have been
directed to isolate.
Miriam bat Shimeon
on behalf of Their Excellencies Stormhold