Guild meeting report - Rowany Festival 2023

To all members of the Performers and Entertainers Guild of Lochac does Lord Gillucan ua Tomaltaig, Clerk of the Guild give greetings and wishes of good health My friends, my brethren; the fine members of our great guild held a gathering at Rowany Festival to discuss our activities over the past year. At least, the ones who were at the event. And then decided to prioritise the meeting over all the other activities running at the same time. And then didn't get distracted on their way to the tavern. There were just shy of a dozen of us! As per our charter (which makes no mention of meetings at all), this was primarily a chance for those present to awe and inspire each other with their deeds and strengthen the bonds between often far-flung performers and entertainers in the Kingdom. As I am happy to continue in my role as Provost of Entertainers and no-one staged a coup, I shall continue in that capacity for the foreseeable future. Rather than detail each attendee's achievements, I shall summarise. New songs have been composed! New research has been done! New shenanigans have been planned! New plans have been laid! I'll also note that Crown Princess katherine kerr is given to a bit of theatre in court, so we're in for an entertaining reign! The guild in its current form has no official ranking system, but for those who like the sense of achievement and structure that comes with formalised activities we have the Guild Challenge Logbook (attached, and on the performers-guild channel of the Lochac Discord server). This completely optional logbook outlines some activities you can complete to challenge yourself and develop your talents as a performer and entertainer. Upon completing the required number of challenges of a particular level, you can optionally call yourself a "Guild Apprentice" or "Guild Journeyman" of the Performers and Entertainers Guild. Again, this is completely optional! Whether you're riding a wave of Festival enthusiasm or basking in the glow of secondhand storytelling, seize the moment! Perform, entertain, and revel in the camaraderie of your fellows as they do the same. Yours in Service to the Kingdom and the Guild, Lord Gillucan ua Tomaltaig Provost of Entertainers

My friends, my brethren; the fine members of our great guild held a gathering at Rowany Festival to discuss our activities over the past year.
Many thanks, good Provost, for the most informative report regarding the Guild meeting . I was sad to be unable to attend but alas, duties called me elsewhere. (Something about sorting out payment to a Certain Merchant regarding a certain Crown Prince's bill, but I digress...)
Rather than detail each attendee's achievements, I shall summarise. New songs have been composed! New research has been done! New shenanigans have been planned! New plans have been laid!
I'll also note that Crown Princess katherine kerr is given to a bit of theatre in court, so we're in for an entertaining reign!
I can only hope that We can live up to the very high expectations that were voiced at Festival last, but be assured We shall do Our darndest. So, with that in mind, good gentles, consider yourself warned....(and enabled!). Songs, music, theatricals, pageantry and shenanigans* will be encouraged. * bearing in mind the adage of no significant surprises in court and that rehearsals help to make spontaneous theatre work well :-) And, of course, I stand ready to hear any proposals you might wish to make -- know that the playbill for Coronation is largely full at this stage, but I am sure there will be time at future events. Please contact a steward or baronage near you should you wish to propose anything from full-throat fanfares to circuses of carefully trained Rodents of Unusual Size. To assist planning, a draft itinerary for when We come into Our inheritance has been posted here: There are other plots afoot...later... katherine ===================================== katherine, Crown Princess of Lochac residing in the Crescent Isles
participants (2)
katherine kerr
Stephen Drane