Draft advisory for users migrating from Mailman2 to Mailman3

Let me know if I’ve missed anything. Cc’d to Sorle because Bordescros is the fist real list to be migrated. – Ælfred Migration • The list will be unavailable for a short period (1-2 hours) while its data is migrated from Mailman2 to Mailman3. Messages sent to the list during this period may be lost or bounced. • After migration, list subscribers may continue using the list as before without taking any specific action; however, see additional information under “for list members” below. • The migration process will preserve the list membership and list archives, but the archives will move to a new location with a new more featureful interface. • The web interface for mailing lists (including archives and subscription management) will move to https://mailman.lochac.sca.org For list members • The day-to-day behaviour of the list will not change. • Instead of having a separate password for each list, list members can manage their subscription settings for all lists by creating an account at https://mailman.lochac.sca.org. • To access functions requiring a log-in, list members must create a new account even if they’re already subscribed to one or more lists. The new account should be automatically connected to all mailing lists to which the associated e-mail address is subscribed. • List subscribers can also manage their subscription by sending e-mail to listname-request@lochac.sca.org, e.g. lochac-announce-request@lochac.sca.org for the Lochac-Announce list. Send a message with body ‘help’ for instructions. This doesn’t require an account. For list administrators • List administration is now done through your account at https://mailman.lochac.sca.org. This is the same account as the one you will use for managing your own list subscriptions. • The Mailman3 site administrator is mailman3@lochac.sca.org (presently Ælfred se leof). Please direct requests for new lists, enquiries about the list administrator interface, etc. to this address. = Let me know if I=E2=80=99ve missed anything. Cc=E2=80=99d to Sorle because = Bordescros is the fist real list to be migrated. =E2=80=93 =C3=86lfred <= p class=3DMsoNormal> **Migration <= o:p>** * The list will be unavailable for a short peri= od (1-2 hours) while its data is migrated from Mailman2 to Mailman3. Messag= es sent to the list during this period may be lost or bounced. * After migration, list subscribers may continue using the list as bef= ore without taking any specific action; however, see additional information= under =E2=80=9Cfor list members=E2=80=9D below. * The m= igration process will preserve the list membership and list archives, but t= he archives will move to a new location with a new more featureful interfac= e. * The web interface for mailing lists (including archiv= es and subscription management) will move to [https://mailman.lochac.sca.org](3D"https://mailman.loc=) **For list member= s** * The day-to-day behaviour of the list will n= ot change. * Instead of having a separate password for eac= h list, list members can manage their subscription settings for all lists b= y creating an account at [https:/= /mailman.lochac.sca.org](3D"https://mailman.lochac.sca.org"). =C2=A0 * To access functions = requiring a log-in, list members must create a new account even if they=E2= =80=99re already subscribed to one or more lists. The new account should be= automatically connected to all mailing lists to which the associated e-mai= l address is subscribed. * List subscribers can also mana= ge their subscription by sending e-mail to listname-request@lochac.sca.org,= e.g. lochac-announce-request@lochac.sca.org for the Lochac-Announce list. = Send a message with body =E2=80=98help=E2=80=99 for instructions. This does= n=E2=80=99t require an account. **For list administrators** * List administration is now done through your account = at [https://mailman.lochac.sca.or= g](3D"https://mailman.lochac.sca.org"). This is the same account as the one you will use for managing your o= wn list subscriptions. * The Mailman3 site administrator i= s mailman3@lochac.sca.org (presently =C3=86lfred se leof). Please direct re= quests for new lists, enquiries about the list administrator interface, etc= . to this address. =
participants (1)
Lochac Masonry Deputy